Friday, October 16, 2009

Waisake and Mere visit Narana

from w
After visiting Jirralinga to see koalas and kangaroos (see Geelong Visual Diary) Peceli and I took our visitors from Navua, Rev Waisake and Mere to visit the Aboriginal Cultural Centre called Narana. Norm Stanley kindly gave us a demonstration of the playing of the didgeridoo. An amazing instrument and Norm is one of the best players I've ever heard. These are photos from Waisake's camera and one picture is of him with Norm and Mitch. Check out some of the youtube sites for Norm Stanley playing the didgeridoo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    The way Norm Stanley plays it to imitate animal sounds and movements in True Blue Wonder is just wonderful.
