Friday, October 02, 2009

Same old story about the Qawa River

from w
Come on you guys in Labasa. Giving them three years? You've got to be joking. This is an old, old, old story. It should have been managed better decades ago. Do not give them three years, give them three days! It's gross that the Qawa river in Labasa are polluted by the sugar mill. From Fiji Sun today:

State to act against Qawa River pollution
Moves are underway in Labasa to end the pollution of Qawa River. This is revealed by the Director of Environment, Epeli Nasome yesterday. “It is visually evident that unwanted waste is discharged from the Labasa Mill,” said Mr Nasome. Mr Nasome said a meeting was held with executives of Labasa Mill this week to find ways of ending the pollution. “The environment is our surrounding and it should always be clean and free from pollution.”

He confirmed that Labasa Mill had been given three years to improve its waste drainage system to minimise pollution to the river.

Attempts to get comments from the Labasa Mill were futile yesterday.

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