Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ezo Resort

from Peceli
When I was in Fiji I stayed overnight in Rukurukulevu village in the Cuvu area and in the morning Ratu Tevita Makutu took me to visit the Ezo Beachfront Resort which is run by his brother. I was surprised that this little resort run by a local Fijian family has rooms with bunkbeds and looks very good for families and a group of friends. They have a minibus to pick up people at the airport and acitviies include kava, meke, horse-rising, kayaking, cave tour etc. These kind of travel experiences are better than going to the huge resorts. Here you meet the real local people with their kindness and hospitality. Their website is here.

1 comment:

  1. It can't work in reality, that's exactly what I think.
