Wednesday, September 30, 2009

China's grand parade

from w
Just as Fiji has had a church conference that is not a conference, and sometimes has leaders who are not leaders, the people of China apparently are having a Grand Parade tomorrow that is not a grand parade. Military hardware mainly. People are told NOT to go and watch, just stay home and see it on TV! How different that is from a people oriented society where crowds joyfully (or tearfully) watch rugby or footie matches, and enjoy it all.
from Chinatoday:
Top News>>
China Holds Reception for National Day
The Chinese people have made unremitting efforts in the past six decades for the modernization drive and achieved great success, top political advisor Jia Qinglin said Tuesday. Grand Ceremony Planned to Celebrate National Day. A grand ceremony is scheduled to start at 10:00 AM Thursday in Beijing to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
Roads, Subways Closed for October 1
Wide-reaching traffic lockdowns and a visible array of security in central Beijing for October 1 will likely drive those interested in the National Day Parade to the comfort of their own homes to watch the festivities on TV.
Beijing Spruced up for 60th National Day Gala
Tian'anmen Square and its surrounding area, the center of Beijing, has been spruced up for a host of important celebrations to mark New China's 60 birthday on October 1.
My comments:
I am appalled by displays by the military at any time, tanks and that sort of discipline and display.
I'm sure there will be no opportunity to protest about the priorities. I liked one way of protest that occurred one time in Melbourne when John Howard was speaking and a group of Aboriginal people in the audience turned their backs. A great way to protest in a non-violent way.
People are not allowed to watch the parade! Do they fear dissidents doing something?
Now about the relationship with Fiji - 'soft' loans from China are not 'soft' loans at all because the immigrant workers from China will take up the jobs and the money, and not the local men and women.


  1. Andrew Thornley5:12 AM

    You're quite right Wendy. When I was in Fiji, a prominent NZ building contractor who works for Fletchers said he could no longer employ Fijians and was shifting his focus to PNG. The labouring jobs are being taken by Chinese immigrants who are being sent off shore from their home because of the economic downturn in China.

  2. Hello Andrew,
    I don't have expertise on loans and engineering etc. and stories I hear are from Fijians who notice the number of immigrants in Fiji at present. I do think that Fiji can have relations which a variety of countries but leaders need to make good decisions keeping in mind the future.
    At present a priority could be to be a sister/brother country to other Pacific Islands. Perhaps the army could send 400 men with tents, their own food, etc. and assist in the Samoa devastation. Take the initiative and offer help. Good will is much more valuable than money.

  3. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I don't realy believe Chiness immigrants are taking all the jobs away, btw what evidence do you present to back up these statements.

    Is there a news report you want to add a url, so people can substantiate these rumours of Chinese workers in Fiji?

    As for the Chinese fear mongering, dished out liberally by Aussies and Kiwi's- its pretty much ado about nothing. Seems more like a spin-off of the domino theory.

    As for the economic turn down in China- you may want to read this NYT article.

    Who is correct, Andrew Thornley or NYT?


    As for suggestion of sending 400 Fiji soldiers with tents/food to Samoa; I do believe there was an offer made in diplomatic circles and it would be a breach of protocol to simply turn up and dump tents and food in an already devasted environment. No one is disputing that goodwill is less valuable than money.

    The bottom line, is that somebody is going to pay for the fuel, food, water, and reconstruction efforts. Samoa won't be rebuilt overnight nor in a year.

    Looks like all those road signs from the lane switch will have to be re-made.

  4. Andrew Thornley9:55 AM

    Thanks Anonymous for your response and fair enough to question some of my statements. As far as the first goes, I can categorically confirm the comment I received firsthand from a building contractor in Fiji that he was unable to keep many hundreds of Fijians employed because of Chinese labourers brought to Fiji and taking the jobs that would otherwise have been done by Fijians.
    This is not meant as "Chinese fear-mongering" - it is just evidence of the changing perspective (for want of a better word) of the current Fiji Regime and I would surmise that the Chinese "soft" loans contribute to that change in perspective
    It is not insignificant that both the USA and China have spent millions of dollars to construct two huge embassies in Suva, their size far outweighing the relative "weight" that Fiji carries in the world. The USA Embassy is in Tamavua and the Chinese Embassy on Queen Elizabeth Drive at Nasese. Why are they doing this? - simply to cement their position as the preeminent power in the Pacific Ocean in the 21st Century? At the moment the USA holds that position but the Chinese are rapidly building up their naval resources.
    The second point OK is a little more anecdotal, gleaned from my conversations with Chinese immigrants I meet in Australia; most of them tell me that there is far greater work opportunity overseas. But they may well be economic migrants and I concede that my ground is not as firm on the second point that I made.
