Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yachties going to Macuata?

from w
I was surprised to read that a few yachties are achoring along the Macuata coastline even though there is very little infrastruture, certainly in the Labasa area, for them. Way to go, Palmlea guys for this infor given to the Fiji Sun journalist. There certainly aint much in the Fiji news these day! Go to the website for Palmlea to know exactly where they are talking about. Also, I've written a couple of times before about Palmea in this Babasiga blog.

Macuata identified as new yacht destination

While most of the coastlines along Vanua Levu remain untouched, the North shore of Macuata is now identified as a new destination for yachts. Macuata resort owners, Joe and Julie Smelser believe there is a potential to develop the yachting industry along the north shore of Vanua Levu. The north shore of Vanua Levu has been identified as a hotspot for yachts attracting sailors from all over the globe. The Smelers’s who own the only eco-agritourism resort in Fiji situated along the Tabia-Naduri highway now operate an anchorage for yachts.

Palmlea Anchorage has received 17 yachts so far this year.

“The north shore of Vanua Levu is now becoming more popular for sailing because our winds are lighter and our seas are calmer,” said Mrs Smelser. “Everywhere else on the other shores, they get more trade winds building in so seas get quite rougher over there.”

While Savusavu and Taveuni are predominantly known as destinations for yachts, Mrs Smelser said the northern bay also has the potential.

“Our anchorage is a new destination for yachts on the north shore and the only one in the Macuata province.”

Being expert sailors themselves, Mrs Smelser said the season for yachts is between May and October. “We started off two years ago with just a few yachts and now it’s become quite a destination for yachts in the north shore. They come to our place because the anchorage is intact and protective and we give them quality service where we look after the sailors,” said Mrs Smelser. Well versed with the roads throughout Vanua Levu, she said visitors to the area will go back satisfied after excursions through unexplored back roads through untouched traditional villages. “We believe that Vanua Levu is untouched by tourism at the moment. It has so much potential here that hasn’t been explored,” Mrs Smelser added.

1 comment:

  1. They also anchor in Seva Bay near Nukubati Island Resort. We've had yachties anchoring here for years.
