Monday, May 25, 2009

Anglicans and Methodists

From the Fiji Sun today - there's an interesting piece about the Methodist and Anglican people in Vanua Levu. Peceli will write something about this after he gets back from golf! I think it's something to do with John Wesley Day - when 'his heart was strangely warmed' May 24th. John Wesley was an Anglican of course but his innovative ideas to use local preachers extensively and go out into the countryside eventually led to a breakaway church. This of course has nothing to do with Vanua Levu - it was in England hundreds of years ago! There are a few posts about Anglicans in Vanua Levu in our Babasiga blog which can be found easily by typing in 'Anglicans Labasa' when you open this blogsite.

5/26/2009 Fiji Sun

The Anglican Church in Vanua Levu has taken a huge step in reconciling with the Methodist Church. Last Sunday, the Anglican parishes throughout Vanua Levu and the Taveuni Episcopal Unit for the first time allowed pastors and lay preachers from the Methodist Church to preach on their pulpits.

At a church service in Savusavu, members of the two denominations were touched by the service.

St Leonard’s Anglican Church vicar, Father Orisi Vuki said they held the service in support of the Anglican- Methodist Covenant that was signed on May 24 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Fr Vuki said they support the Anglicans and Methodists in NZ who have taken a significant step in the healing of that 250 odd year breach between the two churches.

This is traced back to the history of how the two churches separated following the movement of John Wesley and his brother Charles.

Deaconess Nunia Rabaleinare from the Savusavu Methodist Division said they were overwhelmed at the step taken by the Anglican Church to mend a broken relationship. She said the process of uniting the two Christian denominations were all according to God’s plans. She hopes the two churches become committed to this relationship where they reaffirm their faith and covenant. “The two churches have a lot in common will now reaffirmed the statement, united we stand, divided we fall.”

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