Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Qarase wins appeal

from w
Just in - news!
Appeals Court rules in Qarase's favour
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Update: 3:41PM THE Fiji Court of Appeal has found in favour of ousted Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, who challenged the High Court's decision in regards to the President's reserve powers.

It essentially ruled that the interim Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama's government was unlawfully appointed and that the President needs to appoint a caretaker Prime Minister.

The State's lawyers applied for a stay on the decision but it was denied.
and a few hours later Commodore Bainimarama spoke to the nation:

No Govt, President to make decision soon

Fiji effectively has no Prime Minister, no ministers and no Government in place, says interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

Bainimarama made the comment moments ago in a national televised address.

He confirmed that the President Ratu Josefa Iloilo will soon make a decision following today’s Court of Appeal ruling that Laisenia Qarase’s dismissal from office was unlawful and that a caretaker PM be appointed.

Bainimarama confirmed he had visited the President this afternoon informing him of the court’s decision.

“I, as commander of the RFMF will ensure there is no disruption to law and order. I assure that no such behaviour shall be tolerated,” Bainimarama said.

He added that people should not be swayed by petty politics and opportunists who call themselves leaders.

“We need leaders with vision and foresight,” he added.

The Court of Appeal today ruled that Bainimarama’s appointment as interim PM on January 5, 2007 is unlawful under the Fiji Constitution.

It also declared as unlawful, Qarase’s dismissal from office and the appointment of Dr Jona Senilagakali as caretaker PM, and the order by Bainimarama that Parliament be dissolved.



  1. Andrew Thornley6:24 AM

    Dear Peceli and Wendy,

    This is a historic development that hopefully will break the political deadlock and bring hope to thousands of long-suffering Fiji citizens.
    Now it is up to Iloilo to use the independence granted to him and take the process one step further, by appointing a man who carries the respect of all - perhaps this is the time for Ratu Joni Madriwiwi

  2. Andrew Thornley6:26 AM

    I meant of course Joni Madraiwiwi, apologies.

  3. Hello Andrew,
    Yes it is a moment in history and timely as the Easter holiday will give people a well-earned break. I hope they will sleep better now - the foolish and the wise!
    Re you suggestion about Ratu Joni - yes, he is a man who has an intellect and a generous heart. Perhaps he should have been President a long time ago. Also, there are plenty of sensible people in Fiji who could be appointed as an acting PM.

  4. Andrew Thornley11:00 PM

    Dear Peceli and Wendy,

    I have shown myself to be truly a political innocent.
    President Iloilo (rumoured to be in a state of senility) has very likely taken the Commodore's advice and abrogated the Constitution, declaring himself to be in favour of the pathway already chosen by Bainimarama.
    So the new interim administration will hardly be made up of independent-minded people.
    Where to for Fiji now?

  5. We too were optimists. May God have mercy on Fiji.
    When a person makes a speech under duress, is that legal? Of course legality doesn't seem to have any meaning any more. Isa Fiji.

  6. I will hold Fiji in my heart today and onward...and will ask for prayers for this tomorrow in worship. My congregation is honored to add your prayers to ours....The sad thing is that we see nothing of this in our media here.
    I am so sorry. Please keep me posted.
