Thursday, April 02, 2009

Letter to the Editor about noise pollution

from w
Here's a letter in today's Fiji Times about the noise pollution in the Toorak area. Gone are the days when a padre or talatala would gently lead the flock - persuasively in mild tones, telling stories, without any kind of shouting. Isn't there a law about how many decibels are okay in the moonlight? Thank you Emosi for your letter.

Evening disturbance

A CHRISTIAN religious group full-blasted their sermons and gospel music throughout this week in Toorak near Bagasau housing estate causing a lot of disturbance.

People come home each day to rest and prepare for the next day but their peace is broken from 7pm to 10pm each night by loud screaming and music from huge speakers.

Why is the church group so inconsiderate? Don't they have a church from which to launch their crusade? Can they wait until the weekend to do their screaming?

We urge authorities to address the issue which has led to physical confrontation, the latest happened in Rakiraki last week. People are getting fed-up with the disturbance.

What I don't understand is why preachers scream when they are speaking to the microphone. The audience can hardly make out what is being said.



  1. Hey thats right I stay in toorak and have been hearing the same thing this week ans last! At first I thought it was a concert judging by the vude music that was being blasted, but then the familiar horse throat yelling of a pastor confirmed the source. I hate to say this, but this kind of noise pollutions is yes, annoying, but unfortunately, part and parcel of the soundscape of Fiji, to the point where I've gotten used to it :D

  2. Hello Wilson,
    I lived in Toorak one time, in Amy Street, and at Dudley High School. It was a peaceful place then, lovely neighbourhood. I am sensitive about noise at present as there were three house parties last Friday night here in Geelong - next door, behind, and down the street. One went to 4 a.m. another there was still music at 7 a.m.
    Hey, I heard those N M shouters in the Suva market last time I was there and was appalled by both their theology and their microphone attack! Now I'm a talatala's wife and I'm kind of religious but... this guy was just ranting.

  3. Sarah1:22 AM

    hi guys,
    i need some help from a kind outreaching christian church or family in Labasa, Fiji. there is this elderly lady i became fond of during my travel to fiji. she has no family and she is bed ridden these days and sick most of the time. she needs help. someone who could visit her/ stay with her and take care of her. please let me know if you know of any one.
    thanks from Sarah in California. pls write to

  4. Anonymous7:00 AM


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