Monday, March 02, 2009

MH burns down in Labasa

from w
Thank you to the firemen who stopped the fire from spreading all along the street the other night. It could have been much worse as all the shops in Labasa's main street are next to one another and they all could have gone up.

The stories of the fire have been in the various Fiji papers yesterday and today, mainly by the journalist up there, Serafina. Morris Hedstrom apparently plans to keep on the workers thank goodness and set up again quickly. Of course wouldn't it be nice if they had a shopping mall over the river halfway up the hills instead of on the low land of Labasa town that once was a swamp and a good place for catching kuka (little crabs)! MH isn't the only supermarket in town of course as there are at least two other large supermarkets there.


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Bula Wendy,
    I was wondering if you know what happened to Amandas blog. I have been following her story and would love to know how everything is going with her and Chita.
    Thought you may have been in touch with her.


  2. Hello,
    Yes, I wondered why she can't get it going again. Someone must have informed the 'blog powers that be' that she was saying things that shouldn't be said, but I think her blog was excellent and informative and honest. Perhaps you or I could easily find her phone number in Launceston, Tasmania (using Australia White Pages which is on-line) and ring.
