Monday, February 16, 2009

Is this in Cumming Street Suva?

from w
Yesterday I discovered a different kind of shop in Moorabool Street I hadn't seen before (though it's been there about three years someone told me this morning as we packed books for Donation in Kind). The windows were crammed witha gorgeous colourful objects, cushions, choes, sculptures. Scherezade kind of scenes. I realized it was an Indian shop and I thought I was back in Cumming Street shopping in Suva!

Thank goodness for multiculturalism in our city and the opportunity to see something different to shiny minimalism in shop windows and fashionable items for size 2 models! Though I have little money to spend, this is the kind of shop I could browse in and find delightful objects in brilliant colours. But this time I didn't dawdle, just went on my way, intent to see an art show further on. But I did take two photos of the Indian shop window!

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