Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tourists viewpoint

from w
Peceli and I were talking to a Melbourne couple this afternoon who had returned from Fiji on that emergency Qantas plane via Sydney. They said their holiday was really something - the first week excellent for a wedding at Hideaway and with good weather, then the rain started and the floods started and they wanted to get home quickly. One trip to Nadi was unsuccessful as they couldn't get through the floods and had to return to the Coral Coast. I asked if police and army people were helping get tourists across rivers etc. and they said not really, but the ordinary Fiji people were wonderful, carrying little kids, helping people. Anyway a second attempt to get to Nadi airport succeeded but Qantas asked them to pay another $5000 to change their tickets - maybe there were five or six of them, anyway $800 each! Eventually it was sorted out and the change of ticket fee was waived and the money was refunded. They told us that it was chaotic at the airport, many people quarrelling and shouting. They were really glad to get out of Fiji but said that they really feel for the staff of the resorts and for the ordinary people who were so kind to them.

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