Friday, January 23, 2009

It's almost Bollywood

from w
So now the Forum is not going to be on the scheduled date, but is postponed to a later date to accommodate the guest from Fiji, the Interim PM. Michael Somare has been doing backflips and double somersaults to accommodate the Fiji interim leader.

Another story is that one of the delegates appointed to go (in place of the Interim PM) was suddenly suspended from his position, perhaps because of something he said in an interview. Sobosobo, it's like a soap opera or even Bollywood.
This was reported in Fijivillage.

Pacific Island Forum Leaders Meeting Deferred
Publish date/time: 23/01/2009 [19:07]

PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has said the meeting will still take place at a later date with the personal attendance of Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama.

Somare said they have rescheduled the meeting to February 10th. He adds contrary to what many commentators were saying, the Forum leaders were not coming to Port Moresby with the pre-conceived notion to suspend Fiji from the regional grouping. Somare said he is under no illusion that the meeting will be an easy one for them adding this will test the resolve of the Forum leaders in addressing what is already a very delicate situation in Fiji. He hopes they will come to decisions that will help Fiji move forward in an orderly way towards democracy.

Sir Michael commended Commodore Bainimarama for seeing through this difficult period in Fiji to indicate his willingness to attend this meeting.
and from Fiji TV
One National News

Permanent secretary suspended: PSC
23 Jan 2009 03:19:46

The Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ratu Isoa Gavidi has been suspended pending investigations. It's believed his marching orders were given last night following his comments to One National News last night. And, it's not known at this stage who will replace Ratu Isoa Gavidi to the Special Leaders meeting in Port Moresby next Tuesday.

ONLY yesterday Ratu Isoa was appointed by the Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama to attend the meeting on his behalf together with the Interim Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum.

These comments by the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ratu Isoa Gavidi to One National News yesterday, may have cost him his job. It's believed that his wish that the Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama to go to PNG to attend the Special Leaders meeting, may have ruffled some feathers at the higher level.

This afternoon the Public Service Commission Permanent Secretary Taina Tagicakibau confirmed Ratu Isoa has been suspended pending an investigation. It's believed that Ratu Isoamay have reached visions stipulated in the Civil Service Code of Conduct.

While all details are still forthcoming, Tagicakibau confirmed the PSC has been formally advised of this directive. She said its believed it may have been linked to comments that he gave to One National News yesterday. Tagicakibau has reiterated that all civil servants are required under the Civil Service Code of Conduct to be neutral and apolitical when uttering public statements.

The allegations against Ratu Isoa are yet to be made public by the PSC, pending an investigation. When contacted today, Ratu Isoa refused to make a comment and referred all queries to the PSC. However, One National News has gathered, Ratu Isoa announced to the Ministry Staff this afternoon that he has resigned due to personal reasons. Ratu Isoa has held this post for close to four months.
and from Fiji Sun:
I was told to resign: Gavidi


Permanent secretary for Foreign Affairs Ratu Isoa Gavidi was yesterday asked to resign. Ratu Isoa said last night the request came directly from the office of interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama. Ratu Isoa said he had handed in his resignation letter.

“I was asked to resign. The request came from the Prime Ministers office. And accordingly, I have handed in my resignation letter,” he said from his Colo-i-Suva home

Ratu Isoa said no reason was given for the request but he suspected that it could be because of a statement he had made on Fiji One’s national news on Thursday evening.

“No reason was given to me as to why I am being asked to resign. Maybe it was because of statements on the TV news last night (Thursday). I would not know their reasons until they tell me though,” he said. etc. etc.

And then there's this article later on!
Pacific Forum Island leaders meet in Fiji
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Update: 5:09PM Interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama is expected to brief Pacific Island Forum leaders on Valentines Day in Suva. This was agreed upon late last night as Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare lobbied to have the meeting deferred to February 10.

Strong opposition from forum members forced the PNG meeting to go ahead.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will not attend Tuesdays meeting.
Valentine's Day, now that wll be some love-in time! Roses are red, violets are blue and so on.
Is it Shakespeare or Bollywood - to go or not to go, to be or not to be.
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune......

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