Sunday, December 14, 2008

A letter from Allen Lockington

(pic from flickr)
from w
Allen Lockington from Lautoka gets letters published nearly every day in one of the Fiji newspapers. Today I read one of Allen's letters in the Fiji Times. Yuck! How gross! That was my reaction to today's story, but it gives 'food for thought'. Why did this happen? Are some people so poor? Of course the man in the story may have been a little short of intelligence, not that there's anything wrong with that - as Seinfeld would say! What do you think? I think this story is a parable of our world - the leftovers go to the poor and troubled countries and peoples. Of the excess of the rich, the poor get second-rate things in order to survive. Some overseas aid might be in this category. Here is Allen's letter.

Eating leftovers

WE had been eating at the Lautoka City Mall when a young man came to our table, sat down, pulled the plates of leftovers and began eating them. He opened crumpled up food bags and ate whatever he found. We were stunned. He did not even notice us. He ate all the chicken bones, picked up what had fallen on the table and then licked the plates clean. He drank the bottle of partially finished lemonade, burped and left.

We were shocked. He didn't even say thank you.



  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    HI thanks for the inclusion

    check out

  2. Hello Allen,
    That letter quoted really makes me feel quite ill. I wonder what goodies were at the meal tables elsewhere. Hmmm.
