Monday, November 10, 2008

Remembrance Day

from w
For many people, today marks 11th November, the day World War 1 ended and a red poppy signified the fields of Flanders and the madness of war.

for our family, the 11th November marks the birth of our second son at Ba Hospital 39years ago. A beautiful son and in thirty years he lived so fully. So joy and sadness mingle. Rob - 11.11.69 - 10.7.2000.


  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Asked the kids what did they want for robin's birthday and they wanted pizza,so we have just finished eating pizza. Robin's favorite plus I put some chili on the pizza in remembrance of one time when we eat pizza just with chili seeds.

    This day also remember the old war1 veteran that we new when we were young

  2. What a beautiful boy and young man. My thoughts are with you today.

  3. Bula sia George,
    Dad and I went up to Altona Meadows church for a meeting last night, just ate Maccas. The veteran - was that the elderly man you did messages for when you were were about ten?
    Hi Julie,
    It does get easier to talk about my son, but there are times that I just shrug and wish life wasn't so tough.
