Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fiji photos from the 1930s

Click on each photo to enlarge. Do you recognize anyone in these photos?

from w
An elderly lady in Geelong gave me these photos, taken from the 1930s it seems - some are postcards, the others small pictures from Matavelo Girls School in Ba and Dilkusha near Nausori. The notes on the back say;
Dilkusha Methodist Mission Dispensary. Sister H.J. Clark and a few Hindu patients. Jan 1935 (is this Shantiniwas, below the Dilkusha orphanage?)
Mariam aged 14 (Dilkusha)
Matavelo girls with Miss Foulcher. Sewing machine was given by ladies from Donald. Girls make their own frocks.
front view of school (Matavelo)
four senior girls Matavelo
our house (missionaries house at Matavelo?)
Fiji Scouts Choir 1935
Ropate Varo and David Mone
Ropate Varo


  1. Good Idea to do a blog about old photos. They look really good.

  2. Hello Bun 26,
    They are rather obscure photos but rather than just leave them in a drawer I thought I ought to share them on the internet in case someone who sees them might recognize a grandmother or someone they know.

  3. Jone Yabakidrau Koroi3:21 AM

    Interesting photos. I'm a recent student of Matavelo (now called Ba Methodist High school) and finished in 1991

  4. Wendy these pictures are fantastic!!
