Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vinaka to the kids of Labasa schools

from w
In today's Fiji Sun, a good story of the students getting their hands dirty in attempting to clean up the rivers. Vina'a va'alevu guys! Of course the matter should start with those who are polluting the rivers including the FSC dumping stuff into the Qawa River.

Students clean Labasa town

Students from various schools in Labasa took time to clean the town yesterday. The students were supported by the Labasa Town Council and Live and Learn Environmental Education Group. Amit Maharaj, president,of the Labasa River Care Network said they mainly focused on the rivers of Labasa.

Thirteen schools in Labasa have River Care clubs and five students from each club and school were chosen to clean up the town.

Mr Maharaj said the Labasa Town Council provided hand gloves to the volunteers and a venue for the meeting. All Saints Secondary, Batanikama Secondary, Khalsa College and Naleba College were among the 13 present for this campaign. Labasa Mayor Doctor Pradeep Singh thanked the authorities for the clean-up campaign. Dr Singh said the students would value a clean environment which was being neglected by the general public in Labasa. “We support the cleanup campaign in Labasa town and always ask the public to promote safer and cleaner environment,” he said.

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