Saturday, August 02, 2008

Rev Usaia Sotutu, a man from Tavea Island

From Peceli
The Fiji Times have an interesting article today about Rev Usaia Sotutu, the missionary from Tavea Island, Bua, Vanua Levu, who went to the Solomon Islands. His family had a reunion a few weeks ago to remember him. It's a long story so I have cut out some sections to shorten it. the photo is of Rev Sotutu, his wife Makareta, his daughter-in-law and grandchild Waisake.

Out of the valley of death
by Robert Matau

'YEA though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for Thou art with me.' The words of the Psalmist rang true in the jungles of Bougainville in 1943 when 600 soldiers of the first Fiji Battalion faced certain death. t like the Biblical proportions of the above verse it would have to take a man of God to utter them and live them to realise utopian and complete proportions. Reverend Usaia Nasoya Sotutu was such a man.

He was of the old school of missionary work stand up and go to the darkest places of earth to lighten them up with the Word of God, fearing no one or fearing no circumstances……Mr Sotutu then a catechist was sent to Bougainville to carry out missionary work. He was told to return to Fiji to find a bride who would help complete the man that was later to become the unsung hero of the Pacific War. That woman was Makereta Keresi Roro Korocawiri of Taci in Noco and they married in 1928 before returning to the Solomons and Bougainville well before the clouds of war were to burst.

The Sotutu family settled in Buka in Bougainville and the missionary later sat for his exams and became a fully fledged talatala. All of the Sotutu children, Inia Nasoya, Eroni Paula Kotosoma Seruvatu (affectionately known as Paula Sotutu), Dorothy Sera, Ilisapeci Buasega and Susana Wesley now Susana Tuisawau were all born in Bougainville.

When the war broke out the Fijian battalions found themselves in the Solomons and Bougainville. One particular date that many Fijian soldiers would never forget in the war was January 1943.

....Fighting with the Japanese continued and during the first five days at Ibu twenty-two Japanese were killed and a number wounded, compared to the loss of one Fijian killed and another wounded. About 300 Japanese troops were looking for the Fijians because of their success in harassing and disrupting their plans. The Japanese had almost surrounded the 1st Battalion on that day.

…In his book A History of Fiji Kim Gravelle states the Fijians almost shot Mr Sotutu when they first met him."They thought I was a devil, a tevoro," he states in the book "I had not cut my hair or beard for two years and the Japanese were hunting me to kill me, I looked frightening." But they realised who he was when he said bula and identified himself.

Mr Sotutu's 20 years as a missionary had gained him intimate knowledge of the countryside and had helped the famous Australian coast-watchers while saving many Australian troops in near life threatening situations.

….He had built up a large following of Solomon islanders who had converted to the Methodist faith. These factors enabled him to operate a network of espionage which provided him valuable information for the Allied forces.

…..Who knows what Mr Sotutu really meant by the 100th track.

Writers of history may have written it another way but his own son Paula aptly writes: "Reverend Sotutu visited the commanding officer and when he was told that all the known tracks were blocked by the enemy soldiers, he said that if the enemy had blocked 99 tracks, his God would open the 100th track and he could lead the entire group of about 600 to safety through that track. Despite attempts by the CO of the Fiji Battallion to stop him he got a Tiger Moth aircraft to drop him on the small airstrip in Ibu.

"By the time the enemy forces from all the known tracks converged on the airstrip they discovered that the 600 people they expected to capture had disappeared."
...."They went through a lot of difficult times though being separated with no telephone or wireless, but the most amazing thing was, they were in touch through the Holy Spirit.

….He returned to Fiji and returned later to his village in Tavea, an island off the Bua coast where he assumed his traditional role as Tui Tavea overlord of a tribe of villagers renowned for their fishing prowess.

…….His family, and his children returned to Suva two weeks ago to remember the man of God and the greatness of family…….


  1. Anonymous2:56 AM

    I come to your wonderful blog now and then to have a read and to my surprise found a post about my grandfather. Thank you. He was certainly quite a man. He passed on when i was in my teens. Some of the stories about him just about bordered on the paranormal! And none of my relatives was inclined to refute them, ha ha! But one thing that was very obvious about him was his unwavering, rock-solid Christian faith.
    Yes, we had a very large family reunion this year in Suva and some of us came in from England, the UAE, Japan and Aust. to remember both grandparents and one of their sons (uncle) who couldn't make it, celebrated our family's interesting history (and oddities), as well as my mum's birthday.

  2. Bula sia 't'!
    I don't know all your family but only one really, that's Paula, and what a fine person he is. One of the quiet heroes of Fiji - which really shows up those who are not so! We met him briefly on the streets of Suva in August and it was a delight to meet someone with integrity at last!

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Hi Wendy, i'm Paula's eldest son and live in Japan. I agree with the quiet bit, ha ha! Dad nowadays is a real "behind the scenes" person, not by choice i imagine. I think he is a little fed up with the state of local politics, but still does what he can for the country. The integrity bit is so true and that is why he's been overlooked, in my opinion. They don't want those types messing with the well-oiled machinery of govt.
    I will try and get him to come to your blog, though unfortunately he isn't the greatest of friends with the computer and technology like Mum is (and obviously yourself).
    New Year's Greetings to you and your family.

  4. Bula sia Tomasi,
    Fiji families certainly live in different parts of the world these days. Thank you for your comments. Do get your Dad to read the blogs and maybe he will write one too! Or perhaps he is already writing something wise and wonderful?

  5. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Bula re Wendy,
    Great idea. He does have a pinch of "wise and wonderful" stuff that i would think might be welcome outside his head. I will get him along next time i talk to him. Your blog may be the motivation that will get his fingers a flying over the keys (pecking would be more accurate).
    Vinaka, t

  6. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Vinaka Peceli kei Wendy.
    Totoka vakaoti.
    Luvei Viti

    Qai drau mai veisiko eke;

    College of Fijian Chiefs

  7. Rev Usaia Sotutu is the name that my people of Petats Island, Bougainville will always remember as the person who sacrificed his life and who brought Christianity into our land for the love of our Savior and King Lord Jesus Christ. When growing up, I hear my grand parents and my father tell stories of him and how he attacked the masalai through the power of the Holy Spirit. Every Jubilee we mark the arrival of the Methodist Church and pay respect to our hero Rev. Usaia Sotutu. The Methodist Church is named after Rev Sotutu. I would like to take this time to thank you all the seed and family of the Late Rev Usaia Sotutu for bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our ancestors who were canibalistic people. This message that Rev. Sotutu brought my ancestors changed their lives forever. Thank you for sharing your blessings with the people of Petats Island, Buka, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. Your grandparents came and sat with our ancestors, ate with them, struggled with them, and shared the message of Jesus Christ with them. Since then our lives have forever changed. I invite you all to visit Petats Island anytime to see where your grand parents lived and walked. We are proud of the work they did even your grand mother. We speak God's blessings upon all the seeds and generations of the Sotutu tribe. God bless you all.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      This is so inspirational. Putting this in my bucket list now.

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