Saturday, August 23, 2008

Labasa girls study in boys' career

from w
It's good to see that girls can now enter professions that were formerly described as only for the men, just as young men are now entering professions such as nursing which used to be thought of as for the girls. Way to go.
from today's Fiji Sun
Girls in a male dominated territory


Meet Melania Tabuakula and Maraia Kalouvou who are automotive engineering course students at the Labasa Arya Secondary School. They have quickly adjusted to the real world of work in automotive engineering where they find it challenging and interesting.

Melaia who hails from the island of Kia in Macuata spoke on why she decided to pursue a career in a profession that dominated by males.

Q: What made you choose this course as most females would like to work in offices and take up lesser masculine work?

Melania Tabuakula: I took up the challenge and I want to prove that females are as good as males.

Q: How do you find the course?

MT: Challenging and interesting. I’m learning something new.

Q: What do you plan to do after completing the course?

MT: Find a suitable job and also pursue further studies

Q: How will this course be relevant to you?

MT: We travel by outboard motor vessel to our island. The knowledge I gain from here will enable me to maintain and repair outboard motors anywhere, anytime.

Q: What kind of support you get from your male colleagues and teachers?

MT: They are indeed very supportive and helpful at all times.

Q: What advise would you give to other females who might be interested to take up this course?

MT: Take up the challenge. Don’t give up. Stay focus and rely on God to pull you through.
Note: Kia Island is west of Labasa, not far from Vorovoro Island.

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