Monday, July 14, 2008

Fijian Conference in Adelaide

from Peceli,
Ni sa bula vinaka. We just came back from Adelaide after four fruitful days and two long drives - more than eight hours each time and we stopped a few times on the way. Here are a few pictures I took during at the conference of Fijian congregations of the Uniting Church. The hosts were the Adelaide and Darwin Fijian communities and we especialky Jone Lotu and Talatala Siti and their committees. It was an excellent conference and Wendy and I will write more about it later. One photo is of Dr Jovili Meo presenting 2nd prize for the choir competition to the Melbourne choir leader. One is of Rev Alan Hatcher who was once a missionary in Fiji. Youth were full participants in the camp, showing their talents in singing, dancing, and action choruses.

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