Thursday, June 12, 2008

Melbourne welcome to Rev Iliesa Naivalu

from Peceli
Last Sunday Rev Iliesa Naivalu was formally welcomed by the Melbourne Uniting Church into the responsibility of the pastoral care of the Melbourne Fijian congregation at Chadstone and the wider work of the Uniting Church. It was a grand occasion with many visitors and Fiji people. I took a few photos on the day of the Induction Service, the Dandenong Choir, and the front row showing Ratu Eferemi Naivalu, Tepola Naivalu, Lisa Meo and Rev Jovili Meo.

Click on pictures to enlarge if you like.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Mr Peceli I am writing on behalf of the MLTC director.We were trying to email Rev Iliesa Naivalu regarding the school printing press.Can you please give this email address to Rev Naivaulu to email us. Thank you sir.
