Monday, May 19, 2008

When I thought things were going wrong today

from w
I've had such a messed up day today - mending going wrong by chopping off too much, porridge burnt, the builders next door making a racket with their concreting, a pleasant program cancelled. Thought I'd go to bed and start all over again, then when I read the latest Fiji news - well, here is some bright news at last. THEY ARE TALKING!
from Fiji Village:
Interim PM, Qarase Meet Publish date/time: 19/05/2008 [18:57]

Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama and Ousted Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase met for the first time today.

Also attending the meeting were the President of the Methodist Church Laisiasa Ratabacaca and Head of the Catholic Church Archbishop Petero Mataca.

The two church leaders have met several times over the past few weeks and together facilitated the meet.

The meeting today was marked by an informal exchange of views, with all leaders noting in particular the great importance of constructive dialogue not only among political leaders but also among Fiji's diverse communities and the leaders of religious and civil organisations.

The four leaders in a joint press statement said that genuine, trust-based dialogue is essential in order for real progress to be achieved in any national level efforts at healing and reconciliation.

The four leaders agreed to meet again in the near future.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hi - it is good news indeed and we hope and pray that it will continue to be positive. The Fijians need to be united for the good of their country and future generations. The greater destruction and weakness of any organisation, society, country and even family are usually caused by the weaknesses within. Of course outside forces also contribute but the more devastating destructions usually come from within. So there is a great need for Fijians to be united, think of their country and their people before self. The families, villagers and Fijian communities as a whole need to teach the principles of Servant Leadership which the Saviour Jesus Christ taught so that people who aspire to be leaders, would lead the people by serving the people and not just themselves. When one follows the teachings of the Saviour closely, we are protected from the temptation to do wrong. Position, power and money are great temptations that always make weak people stumble. We need strong people with integrity to lead Fiji forward in these trying times.

  2. Thank you for your insightful comments (not inciteful...a word used so much these days). It is a start and the prayers by people of all faiths may be able to move those who have responsibilies of leadership in Fiji to a new day.
