Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Recording studio in Labasa

from w
Another copy and paste job about Labasa - this time from today's Fiji Times.
Good move as there are some great singers and singing groups in Labasa who over the years have had to record their music in Suva. Qawali singers and string bands such as Vua ni masei from Mali Island.

New music studio opens
Thursday, May 22, 2008 Viliame Rabuka in his new studio in Labasa, the first ever for the town.

DESPITE gloomy economic conditions in Labasa, Viliame Rabuka has opened a recording studio. Originally of Namoli Village in Batinikama, outside Labasa, Mr Rabuka started his studio a month ago, pushing aside all fears of the poor economy. "For me it was about helping the people back home who have great singing and musical talent," he said. "It saddened me that most of these talents were not exposed because there is no recording studio in Labasa or any town in the north."

Most singers and musicians cannot afford to travel to Suva to record because it's too expensive.

Mr Rabuka left his studio at Kinoya in Nasinu and shifted his family and business to Labasa. "I operated this kind of business for the past five years in Kinoya so that experience is more then enough to start a studio in a rural area." Presently, Mr Rabuka is recording music groups for free to promote his studio and the talent up North.


  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Great News!

    The more recording studios the more Fijian music is preserved!

    Thank you Viliame!

    Best Regards,
    Matthew from Canada

  2. I heard that recording studio is one of the best in Labasa. I was thinking of trying it myself. I wish that it can give to me an amazing result.

  3. For my part one and all must browse on this.
