Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rev Doug Fullerton

from w
Today was a day of mixed feelings, sadness, nostalgia, joy at meeting many old friends. We were invited to a 90th birthday at Carlton Church of All Nations for a wonderful man who had been a missionary in Fiji for many years, particularly connected with places such as Dudley church. A Fijian choir from the Coburg church and a Hindi-speaking group were planned to join the celebration. I knew it would be a party for meeting people and celebrating with Doug and Ethel.

However on Friday Doug passed away, a day before his 90th birthday, and he had been battling illness for some time. Only three weeks ago a chapel named after him was dedicated at the Carton church. Those who knew Doug with remember his readiness to listen to people, his wide smile, his intelligence and compassion.

The funeral will be at noon on Thursday at the Carlton Church of All Nations.

I'll write more later and there's a website with more information and another photo. at the Carlton church site:

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