Monday, March 31, 2008

Solar - way to go

from w
Having trouble with broadband - yesterday our internet provider forgot to tell me they were mucking about with computers in our area and I spent a long time doing what I was told by a techno guy who couldn't find the fault! Meanwhile I touched too many buttons and lost broadband entirely! Anyway I did something right a few minutes ago and it's working (except for emaill!)
And I can read the Fiji news now. One item concerns the people of babasiga land. Way to go, ladies of Namuka! How expensive is solar power in a Fijian village? Can the people pay for the maintenance? Do they require grants to help set up?

Solar system lights up villageTuesday, April 01, 2008

AN initiative of a women's group in the Northern Division saw 15 families receive solar power on Friday last week.

The families of Visoqo Village in the district of Namuka in Macuata could not believe their eyes when their homes were brightened by solar lights on Friday night.

Macuata Soqosoqo ni Marama president Adi Sainimili Dyer said the installation of the solar system in the village was made possible by local and international donors.

"Our major donor was the UNDP and through their donation we managed to put up 15 solar systems for the families," she said.

"We have advised them to look after their solar systems properly and take good care of it because it now belongs to them and for the sake of their children's studies at night, parents should take good care of the system."

Adi Sainimili said the best part of their project was seeing smiles on the villagers' faces.

"It touched our hearts to see the smiles on the villagers' faces and they kept thanking the donors and the group for their help in providing electricity," she said.

"It is a new thing for them because since the time of their forefathers, they have not had electricity in the village."

She said the nearby villages of Cawadevo and Nasovivi were being prepared for solar lighting systems.


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    What a great idea! Though maintaining them may be a problem. We only just got phone lines back to our house last week- they went down at the start of January... (before the cyclone even)!

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    (Still me) imagine if they could get all the villages lit up, wouldn't that be great?

  3. It seems to be a model for the way of the future for a village. In Moala Island they have had solar for quite a long time so it is happening here and there in Fiji.
    I'm back on-line after a day of frustration with things going wrong with the internet.

  4. I would like say a Big Vinaka Va'alevu to the Assisstances donated to Namuka and I hope it will really benefit my mother's village, Cawadevo.
    May God Bless them all.

  5. I would like to thank the assisting country for the great development and I hope my mother's village will really benefit from the great development.
    Thank and God bless you all.

  6. I would like to thank the assisting country for their great assistance and I hope my mother's home land will really benefit from that.
    May God Bless those who all contribute to the development.

  7. Solar power use to provide electricity, hot water, and even cooling for homes, businesses, industry. We can save electricity to use of Solar power.
    Solar Albuquerque
