Thursday, February 28, 2008

The late Ratu Esala Golea Lautiki

from Peceli,
The late Ratu Esala Golea Lautiki died on 23/2/2008 and the Memorial Service will be held today near his residence Lovonivonu, at Mataniwai, Bucaisau, Labasa. His family came from the Qomate clan in Labasa about a hundred years ago to reside in Mataniwai, a village near the sea.
God has given. God has taken away Job 1:21.

This is a great loss in leadership to the people in Labasa and I am mourning for this man. In January I spent a lovely time with him at Mataniwai, Bucaisau, and with the talatala there, Rev Ratu Mudu when they celebrated the coming of the talatala there. Here is photo taken at that time of Ratu Esala Lautiki, Rev Ratu Mudu and me. Many of my family will go to the funeral today and it will a huge event. Wendy's namesake is there also, her Uncle Dakai and the vanua of Labasa, Mali, Wailevu and others in the Macuata province.

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