Sunday, February 10, 2008

Green Sugar in Australia

from w
Today I watched Landline an ABC TV program at midday and their lead story was about the sugar industry in Australia going green by using the cane trash to make electricity. Very interesting. And they are going to stop burning the cane which has been their practice for years and years. I couldn't find much written on the web except this, but the video of today's Landline program is available to view - maybe on the Landline website.

Green PowerReporter: Pip Courtney

In northern New South Wales the sugar cane industry is undergoing its biggest revolution since mechanical harvesters replaced cane cutters and their knives. The industry's 650 growers are the key components of a 180 million dollar green energy project that will radically change every aspect of their operations. It's a huge and expensive challenge but if it works it will put more money in farmers’ pockets, make green energy available to hundreds of thousands of homes and snuff out spectacular cane fires forever.

What implications does this have for Fiji's ailing and inefficient sugar industry?

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