Friday, January 25, 2008

Preparing kokoda for a party

from w
About 10.30 p.m. last night at a kava drinking get-together, a friend asked me to make kokoda for her birthday party today, so at 11 p.m. we went to a supermarket searching for yellow-fin tuna but all they had was fillets of basa which is a fresh-water fish, so that had to do. The recipe I am using is from my relative but adapted a bit. I think some people use the coconut cream cold, not cooked, so we'll see what happens. My son bought fresh coconuts to scrape so that's in process.
Here's the recipe:
Fiji Kokoda

To prepare a dish of marinaded raw fish for twenty people – as part of a party. It’s best to prepare the first part in the evening so that fish can marinade in the lemon overnight.

I to 1 and half kg marlin or yellow fin tuna or waloo
Six lemons, two coconuts, salt, carrot, chillies, spring onions, tomatoes, celery

1 Cut fish into small diced piece
2. Place pieces of fish in a bowl
3. Add one to 2 teaspoons of salt
4. Add juice of six lemons and stir
5 Place bowl of fish into fridge to marinade for six to eight hours

6 Squeeze out lemon juice
7 Prepare coconut cream by breaking and scraping coconut, squeezing to cream (or use 2 cans of thick coconut cream)
8 Put coconut cream into a pot, warm, stir and bring to boil. Turn off stove as soon as it starts to boil. Cool off to room temperature.
9 Add coconut cream to fish.
10 Add small portions of grated carrot, chillies, diced spring onions, tomatoes and celery.

11 Serve as part of a dinner party.

(later: I used two coconuts plus one can of coconut cream as it didn't seem enough and also I didn't heat the coconut cream. I tasted a sample of the finished kokoda and so did my son and said that it's fine. But I think a better fish such as a yellow-fin tuna would have made it even better.)


  1. One of the better jobs that I had as a kid was helping my mother to prepare the kokoda.

    But the best was eating it!!

    Good recipe Wendy - just the way that it should be.

  2. It actually took a lot of mucking about as I couldn't find a lemon squeezer for the first task, and later on next morning we used real coconuts and had to squeeze hard to get some cream! I thought the coconuts sold here in the supermarkets are rather old!

  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I make da best kokoda, to make it more tasty is 2 add some, capiscum. clerey,dhania,chilly and just little bit of sugar, vest fish 2 use is wahoo...
