Monday, January 07, 2008

Permanent Secretaries are more important than

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A list of Fiji's Permanent Secretaries has been announced this afternoon. In my opinion, these men and women are more important than the fancy ones who attend bun-fights, cut ribbons and make hyperbolic speeches.
Here's the list:
Permanent Secretaries announced1456 FJT
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Update: 2.56pm THE interim Prime Minister, Commander Voreqe Bainimarama has four Permanent Secretaries to look after the various ministries under his charge. The four are: Pramesh Chand, PS PM's office; Manasa Vaniqi, Provincial Development; Taina Tagicakibau, Public Service; and Ratu Meli Bainimarama, Indigenous and Multi-Ethnic Affairs.

The other Permanent Secretaries are: Pio Tikoduadua for Justice, Electoral Reform, Public Enterprises and Anti-Corruption; Interim Finance Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry has two permanent secretaries. Peceli Vocea is Permanent Secretary for Finance, National Planning and Sugar Industry while Cama Tuiloma is PS Public Utilities (water and energy);

Ross Ligairi remains with Foreign Affairs, International Co-operation and Civil Aviation.

Dr Lepani Waqatakirewa stays on as PS for Health with additional responsibilty for Women and Social Welfare.

The PS for Education is Emi Rabukawaqa. She also looks after National Heritage, Culture and Arts. Subhas Chandra is the PS for Youth and Sports.

Taito Waqa is PS Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment while Litia Mawi is the PS for Local Government, Urban Development and Housing.

Looking after Works and Transport is Anand Kumar.

Banuve Kaumaitotoya is the PS Industry, Tourism, Trade and Communication.

The PS for Lands, Mineral Resources and Environment is Dr Rohit Kishore.

Dr Niumaia Tabunakawai is PS Fisheries and Forests and Dr Richard Beyer is the acting PS for Agriculture.

For Defence, National Security and Immigration is Malakai Tadulala.

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