Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pragmatism comes first it seems

from w
Although some groups in Macuata said clearly that they do not want to support the proposed charter (I guess to replace the Constitution) the province of Macuata has now submitted to the process of discussion. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em - I suppose. Pragmatism may be the way to go when it's an uphill battle to question and if you argue you maybe won't get grants etc. Life is often a compromise eh! However it surely means to allow the process, but not necessarily agree to the final outcome.

from Fiji Times:
North province supports charterSERAFINA SILAITOGA
Monday, December 10, 2007

MACUATA province has agreed to support the People's Charter, citing the need to work with the interim regime to take the country forward. At the provincial meeting yesterday, chiefs and district representatives agreed to support the charter as initially agreed at the bose ni vanua in June. The agreement was reached after debate.

Labasa district representative Paula Maleyau said while he respected the decision of the chiefs to support the charter, they must remember that some issues included in the document might not work with the decision to be made at traditional level.

Macuata district representative Vereti Veisama told the meeting that the chiefs had decided to accept the charter and no one could object. However, Mr Maleyau said it was important to highlight and make known the issues in the charter to prevent confusion in the future. A member representing Macuata people living in the Western Division, Samuela Nakete, said it was no use rejecting the charter because it would go ahead.

Last week, the districts of Seaqaqa, Dogotuki and Dreketi refused to support the charter and called for clarification on a number of issues in the document. But at yesterday's meeting the three districts agreed to work with the chiefs and the vanua to support the charter.

Roko Tui Macuata Ratu Jone Matanababa said the chiefs agreed to support the charter so the province would abide by their decision.


  1. Fiji's reformation period.

    Which paints the provinces of Tailevu, Rewa, Naitasiri as anarchists.

  2. Laminar, there are various points of view on a continuum from extremes at both ends. I wouldn't call any group anarchists though, as the groups you mention have a legitimate viewpoint about elections and the process of sticking with a constitution. Others like yourself have a strong view about a different kind of progress that also can be listened to. Okay?
