Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Go girls go

from w
It's good to hear that the women in rural areas such as Labasa are having a chance to workshop about the welfare of women. Some of the young women in our extended family are involved in advocacy for women, especially those who are not treated well by society or their relatives. Go girls go!

Blue Ribbon day
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Women’s NGO femLINKPACIFIC is undertaking a Blue Ribbon Women's Community Media Exchange (dialogue) session in Labasa today. This is the first of such series that will target four rural communities, focusing on the theme “my life, my issue, and my peace”. Coordinator Sharon Baghwan Rolls said this media initiative will bring together 30 local women leaders drawn from the networks of the National Council of Women in the North.

“Part of our work for the last year has been advocating for women’s participation in the formal processes of political transformation in this country.

“And we are very concerned that women have been sidelined. We are going to be informed by the women who come together today to give us their piece, share their experiences what their lives have been like since December 5, 2006.

“What are their issues as local women leaders and what are their visions for peace as women leaders of Fiji,” said Baghwan-Rolls.

The dialogue session is also part of the 16 days of activism under the UN banner observed by femLINKPACIFIC.

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