Monday, October 08, 2007

Watching brotown again

from w
In Australia Brotown is currently being screened Monday nights – I think it is series 3, and they are making series 4 so it must be popular. It’s offensive and crude but very funny for South Pacific Islanders who don’t mind the mickey being taken out of ‘em. If it was briefly shown in Fiji, I’m sure it would be regarded as offensive and racist because it’s about stereotypes and caricatures.

Check out here for the writing process

One blogger writes about the series here for an introduction to the series.

And for those who haven’t caught up with watching brotown yet here is a video sample.


  1. um no, your assumption is way off base. Frankly I found it somewhat offensive, almost like you saying we don't have a sense of humour in Fiji.

    Season 1 was shown in Fiji in 2005.

    No one complained about it being racist or offensive, and everyone I spoke to about it enjoyed it.

    Probably the only thing that held it back from being a bigger hit was that it was up against the Friday night super 14 game.

  2. Don't have a sense of humour? I didn't mean that. I was just thinking of the kind of reaction after those turtle T shirts that were printed in Savusavu, and also about the Fiji Hindi film that won't be allowed to be seen in Fiji because of language and sensitive issues. That kind of censorship.

  3. whatever, the point is you had your facts wrong, acknowledge it and move on.
