Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The population of Fiji

from w
Census figures are out - a provisional list
from FijiTV today:
Census figures released population increases 31 Oct 2007 00:47:46
Provisional figures from the 2007 Census point to a population increase by just over 50,000 over the past 10years. Statistics released by the Census Commissioner today shows a dramatic increase in the Fijian population compared to the Indian population.
It's the much awaited figures that the country is waiting for...although it's provisional at this stage.

Enumerated 827 900
Increase 52,326

Fijians 473,983
Indians 311,591
Other races 42, 326
Fijian Population increased by 80,408
Indian population decreased by 27, 227

Urban population increased 61, 591
Fijian population in Urban areas - 49,427
Rural population decreased - 8, 768.

Divisional level
Northern and East population decreased by 8, 908 and 1,696.
Central and Western
43, 236 and 20,192.

The Census office is now reporting that 827,900 residents were enumerated in the 2007 Census. his is an increase of 52,823 from the last census in 1996.
Ethnicity breakdown, Fijians now total 473, 983, Indians at 311, 591 and other races 42, 326.

In comparison to the 1996 figures..the Census office says there is a dramatic increase for the Fijian population of 80, 408 compared to the Indian population which has decreased by 27, thousand 227. ijian population now residing in the Urban areas has increased by 49 thousand, 427. ural population has decreased by 8, 768.

At divisional level...the Northern and East population has decreased by 8, 908 and 1,696. ut an increase in the Central and Western Divisions by 43, 236 and 20,192.
The Census office says more provisional results will be released next week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Yo gaive a percentage of ethnicity
