Thursday, October 11, 2007

churches in Fiji

from w
A linocut - white printing ink on black paper - of a Methodist village church and a photo (from flickr by Edaex) of a cathedral in Suva.
(added later) Here's a photo of Centenary Church, downtown Suva, the hub of Methodist life in the city - I found in October edition of Turaga magazine. There were two side-by-side articles, one from Akuila Yabaki saying there is great prejudice between religions in Fiji, the second article a U.S. report saying there is tolerance and good will.


  1. That's the Sacred Heart Catholic cathedral in Pratt Street - close to the triangle and Prouds jewellers.

  2. Yes, I thought it was a lovely photo with the statue of Jesus looking over the city. Actually I wanted to comment about political stuff but deleted my words as they wren't thought out well. Peceli and I have an excellent relationship and friendship across these dratted fences between denominations but it isn't always so. Let's hope that people will concentrate on how to manage in a storm - shelter your own and look out for your neighbour as well.
