Monday, September 17, 2007

Going softly softly with turtles

from w
There is still talk in the Fiji papers about the turtle-catching in Macuata and even 'Have your say' resulted in a hundred or more responses - many silly.

I saw this photo with an article in the Fiji Times which revealed the Fisheries Department as going just too softly softly. The photo of baby turtles is from Treasure Island and I just wonder how successful this project is in getting the baby turtles safely on their way to adulthood.

One writer in 'Have your say' said he was making T-shirts with SAVE THE TURTLE on them and also EAT A METHODIST! It's a printer from Savusavu and he's making 50 t-shirts for starters! Fiji Times today wrote about it. The pic below is not the Savusavu design.

Three websites worth visiting are I.
Article about turtles in the Pacific and 2. from wildlife activists
and 3. a good website and a story about education about turtles in rural schools
Kia Island is of course a small island west of Vorovoro and Mali Islands and many of the people there are traditional fishermen and women.

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