Monday, August 13, 2007

Vorovoro update and a hut for $250

from w
The tribewanted website has some new stories - one about the Mali children (on holiday because of the strike-breakers put school holidays forward two weeks) and an eco learning experience, and how to build a hut for $250. The stories are here.

Children, magic numbers & the use of power
Posted : Mon Aug 13 23:33:50 UTC 2007

o The $250 house
$20-$40 on scrap wood from the saw mill
$40 for transport
$150 for a 1-2 days skilled labour + tribe help
$40 Fijian mat brought from local village
Everything else we make with island materials (driftwood/coconut palms)

Compare this with the kind of bure design built for tourists at the resorts around Nadi, the Coral Coast, the Mamanucas and Yasawa Islands. Hmmm. And the tourists think they are having a taste of the South Pacific lifestyle!

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