Monday, August 06, 2007

Suva diary Sunday and Monday

from Peceli
It's a beautiful day in Suva with the sunshine shining. Yesterday the church service in Coloisuva went well, the monthly service and the singing was excellent. Tauvu, the late Saimoni Kete's brother is the Choir master of the Church and it brought back the memory of the Labasa Choir in Kete's time.
I went to the Centenary Church at 4pm to attend the monthly combined service and then we had food and kava and then I came home.
I am really busy with looking after three boys because of their unexpected
school holiday so we went to the Swimming Pool in Laucala beach and it was very good. Tonight we are having kava at home. Bale went to the funeral of some distant relative. My regard to the DIK team tomorrow.

Fiji is still the best place on earth, a Chinese woman said to me. She is the owner of a cafe and she said this to me comparing it with Sydney.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I am Proud to know that there is some tauvu of Saimoni Kete that knows This man In a personal way .

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    This man Mr Saimoni Kete Has left me Sad .IF I had only Known that death is my and his enemy I wouldnt be so sadly missing him

  3. We knew Saimoni and Mele and their family very well - through his leading of the choirs that came to Australia in the 80s at Peceli's invitation, and then again on visits to Labasa. We knew they migrated to USA, that he subsequently became a minister, and then we heard of his death. A lovely family.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Peceli and Wendy , thanks for your hospitality at Geelong .

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Tauvu Peceli . Ni sa bula vinaka mai Geelong .

  6. Bula vinaka tauvu, but who are you? Were you in one of the choirs that came to Geelong? You live in Canada eh? Just guessing.

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hi, I was on the library here in Burlington .yah your quess was 100% correct . I am a Canadian Citizen and I am also the daughter of Saimoni Kete .I take this opportunity to thank you for having the Labasa Choir over . I was only like 16 than .I was telling my mother in Seattle USA about Babasiga web page , she was in AWE and repeatadly say Isa;

  8. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I am divorced with two boys and my name is Ana Pascall

  9. Bula vinaka Ana,
    I remember all those lovely young girls and boys who did the action choruses and some meke during those choir trips. Good to hear from you. Canada must be so cold after living in Fiji as a child. Give our loloma to Mele when you phone her.

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Bula vinaka .I sure will let my mother know that I have been honest with my identification .oops .I have been here since 1988 so Im getting so use to it -the cold winther storms. etc and etc .I would like to know if you do keep in touch with Russell and family at the Blackwool .I am sorry I forgotten their last names . Nothing serious .Plain curiuosity

  11. Bula vinaka Ana,
    If you mean Gillian's family. Her son ran a travel bureau for several years but I haven't caught up with them lately. Gillian still lives in that nice place halfway to Ocean Grove. Their church is still very active and involved with helping refugees these days.
