Friday, August 03, 2007

The Bula Fiji Test

from w
Peceli emailed and said they will probably go to the Father Law Home bazaar today so it made me think about how a society like Fiji cares for needy people such as any elderly or disabled persons who are not cared for by family.

To my way of thinking, the test for a fair and just society is how that society cares for its disadvantaged people. Well, it is one of the tests. Fiji looks as if there are institutions and some welfare but there is still a long way to go.

Who is Facing Hardship? Certain groups are suffering more hardship than the rest of the community such as single mothers with little or no means of support, widows, elderly people neglected by family members, , mentally challenged and physically handicapped people, orphans, jobless people, people who only eat one full meal a day, and beggars. I found an interesting list in a goverment website.

Public Facilities
School and Vocational Training Center

1 Ba School for Special Education
Provide education and training to children with disability.
2 Diocese of Polymesia/Saint Christopher Home
Care for Orphans, unwanted, disabled
3 Early Intervention Center (Suva)
Educational and medical assistance to children from 0-8 years of age.Early development and improvement programs.
4 Father Law Home (private under the Catholic Church)
• Provide medical services
• Private assistance and care of old people
• Social gathering
• Exercises
5 Fiji School for the Blind (Suva)
• Educational and Vocational training to visually impaired children.
• Also accommodation to those who come from far.
6 Fiji Vocational and Technical Training Centre for the Disabled Persons (Suva)
• Agriculture science
• Computer Training
• Woodwork Skills
• Home Economic
• Screen Printing
• Indigenous Craft
• Sewing and needle craft
7 Gospel School for the Deaf (Suva)

Education for children with hearing impairment
8 Hilton Special School
• Educational and Vocational training to children with all sorts of disabilities.
• Accommodation to children coming from far away.
9 Home of Compassion (Suva)
For PWDs above 60 years old.
• Care for the elderly and PWDs.
10 Labasa School for the Handicapped
Provide education and training to children with multiple disability.
11 Lautoka Intellectually Handicapped School
Provide education and training to people with intellectual disabilities.
12 Lautoka School for Special Educaion
Provide education and training to children with disability.
13 Levuka School for Handicapped
Provide classes for disabled children
14 Methodist Church in Fiji/Dilkusha Home
Family support, hospital chaplain support, health care, education and care for orphans and disabled
15 Nadi Centre for Special Education
Provide education and training to children with special education needs.
16 Naroro Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled (Sigatoka Nadroga)
Courses on coffin boc building, sewing, tie craft, and other handwork
17 Nausori Special Education School
Education and training to children with disability.Boarding facility
18 Old People's Home (Suva)
• Outing
• Medical services
• BBQ (Beaches)
• Factories/loose cutting
19 Pearce Home (Suva)
For PWDs above 60 years old.
• Sewing handicrafts
• Book selling
20 Ra Society School for the Handicapped
Education and training to children with multiple disabilities
21 Saint Christopher's Home (Naulu/Nausori)
For PWDs between 4-17 years old
• Outings, picnics, normal Housework
22 Savusavu School for the Handicapped
Provide education and training to children with disability.
23 Seventh Day Adventist/Dorcas Relief Society
• Home visits
• General Relief Work
24 Sigatoka School for Special Education
Educational and training to children with special education needs.
25 Suva Intellectually Handicapped School
Provides education and vocational training to children and youth of intellectual disabilities.
26 Suva School for Special Education (Lautoka branch)
School for persons with physical and hearing impairment.
27 Suva Vocational Training Centre Brown Street
Courses on agricultural science, computer, woodwork, home economic, screen printing, indigenous craft, sewing and needle craft
28 Tamavua Medical Rehabilitation Unit
Medical services and equipment to people with physical disabilities
29 Veilomani Boys Home
Primary and vocational skills
30 Veilomani Boys Home and Association
Primary and vocational skills
31 Veilomani Rehabilitation Centre (Ba)
• Provide normal school programmer for handicapped and vocational programmer
• Woodwork, light engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering
• Offset printing of stationery, book binding, metal work, screen printing, sheltered workshop, comput
32 Western Disabled People's Association
Persons with disabilities in Lautoka City

Hospital/Rehabilitation Centers

1 National Rehabilitation Medicine Hospital (Suva)
• The Unit offers rehabilitation for people with many types of disabilities but with emphasis on spinal cord injury, stroke, amputation, head injury, neuro-degeneratifve diseases, orthopedic and development problems
• The unit actively promotes Community based rehabilitatio and sports for people with disabilities
2 Saint Giles Psychiatric Hospital (Suva)
• Psychiatric health services
• Occupation therapy
• Psycho-social rehabilitation
• Counseling
• Substance abuse
• Forensic psychiatry


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I think you're right. It's a big test of how well a society is doing to look at how they treat the disadvantaged. I think most countries, America included, have a long, long way to go on this.

  2. hi......i am tuks.a fijian.Right now i have just completed my first 2 years of studying audiolgy and i am an audiometrist.I am a fiji xitizen and i am planning to set up an audiology clinic to do hearing ests and sell second hand hearing aids for the start.But I totally dont know how to apply, and who to contact that can give me the like for eg. licence to begin.....i know tkat this would be of great benefits to the people of fiji..please feel dree to contact

  3. So, I do not really consider it may have success.
