Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Apisai Rokoduna and turtles

From Peceli,
I met with Apisai Rokoduna and took his photo when he came to Vatuadova. He is a committee member with Tui Macuata Ratu Osea Katonivere. We talked about conservation and turtles. Turtle breeding and mating starts this month and then December January and February the female turtles start laying eggs the size of ping-pong balls in the sand of Vorovoro and Nanuku sand beach near Vesi and Nasausau. After months the baby turtles about the size of 2 and half inches will come our from the warmth of the sand and go back into the water. Later the female turtles will come back to the same breeding grounds to lay eggs again. So that Auntie Timaima's song about Rovete is still true about the turtles of Vorovoro and Mali Islands. The photo of Vorovoro Island was taken by Ben Keene of tribewanted.

from w.
What's with the pink paint on the house? Was there a special on bright pink at the hardware store in Labasa? I liked the pale green better!

1 comment:

  1. A friend visiting today told us that the TV program GETAWAY had a segment about tribewanted on Vorovoro. I missed it as Junior was watching another program.
    It goes for about six minutes and can be viewed on a Channel Nine website. It's very good publicity in Australia for this eco-tourism venture.

