Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Villagers from Vuo raise funds for the church

from w
Peceli was at Vuo village last week staying with the Tui Mali. This is a village next to Malau Timber Mill which is opposite Mali Island. The people who live in this village are part of the vanua of Labasa though 80% of the people there have Mali connections. A hundred years ago the Tui Labasa lived there - before the town of Labasa existed and the Tui Labasa moved to Naseakula village.

There's a song 'Vorovoro, Malau kei Vuo'.

. So I was surprised to read an article in one of the Fiji papers today about Vuo fundraising for the church.

Okay, for those who don't agree with the way Methodists collect money, just calm down. It's a customary way of having a party/get-together for a day and giving your soli is part of it. It is also a reinforcement of identity, of who you belong to.

Villagers raise $2339 for church work
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

VILLAGERS of Vuo, in Macuata, put aside all their worries to raise more than $2000 to fund church activities. With eight stalls in the middle of the village ground, members of the Methodist Church sold food and handicraft, making $2339.73.
Set a target of $1500, the members vowed to raise more.

Committee chairman Lepani Sogovale said it was the first time for the Malau sector to host such a funadraising activity. "This is to help finance church activities not only in Malau but the Labasa church in general because we come under the tikina of Labasa. "We have eight stalls for the eight sectors and each sector has to raise $1500. "But almost every sector exceeded that amount because we wanted to do the best and help finance church activities because it is our duty," Mr Sogovale said.
He said besides selling food, members had to give their soli, which was presented to the committee through the eight contestants. Mr Sogovale said the eight sectors had their own queens or contestants for the soli day simply to increase competition among members. Every sector gives in whatever they have or whatever they can give and it is their queen who brings the money to the committee. The involvement of queens is to add colour to the event instead of just having a normal soli where people walk and give their money. Having queens for each sector makes the day exciting, with people wanting to give the best dress for their queen."

He said although the Malau sector had other commitments, members wanted to give first to the parent body of the church in Labasa.

Members of Tribe Wanted were at the bazaar to help. Tribe member Raina Jensen said the people in the area had helped them greatly since they arrived on Vorovoro Island last year. "So whenever they need our help we are always around."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I'm just curious, what are they raising funds for? Last time I was in Fiji, the locals were having difficulty raising their required amount to go to the church. When I asked what it was for - they said to the money was going to the poor! Go figure.
