Friday, June 08, 2007

Tourism in Fiji and a code of ethics

from w
Life is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. (Augustine)

Code of ethics for tourism

There are a few websites with a code of ethics for tourists and here is one from Vanuatu which I think applies very well to Fiji. There is a responsibility of the host country to provide for opportunities for a good holiday for guests and that includes honest advertising. There is also a responsibility by visitors as well.

below – from

Learn about the country
 learn key words in the local language
 be aware of religious and social customs
 visit the visitors centre on arrival for local information
Know the appropriate cultural behaviour
 respect the dignity and privacy of others – ask before taking photos
 dress and behave respectfully especially in villages, religious and cultural areas
 be careful giving gifts or money to children and beggars
Protect the coral
 do not buy products made from coral, endangered plants or animals
 do not stand on, touch or remove any items from the reef, including coral
Support local initiatives
 purchase local products, arts, crafts
 eat local rather than imported food
 support local tour operators and stay in locally owned accommodation
Pay a fair price
 50 cents may not mean much to you, but it may be a meal for the vendor
 pay a price that reflects what something is worth to you
Minimise environmental impact
 dispose of rubbish carefully, recycle where possible, reuse your drink bottles, and say "No" to plastic bags
 minimise water and power use
 choose environmentally responsible tour operators
Think about your impact
 remember you are a guest – don't do anything you wouldn't do at home
 practise safe and responsible sex
 make your trip a positive experience for both you and the people in the country you visit

A website about eco-tourism is here. Another website of interest is here. Some travel guides are useful, such as Stanley's South Pacific.


  1. Good points all. On Maui, I saw the best and worst on both sides. The best were local people sharing their culture and the natural beauty, and tourists who were genuinely interested in learning something from their visit. The worst, businesses just trying to maximize the number of customers even at the expense of the experience and the environment. Tourists who disregard the people who live there and the environment.

    One should always be careful what one wishes for too. A healthy tourist industry is one that benefits the community, but does not have too many guests, yet does not cater only to the rich. A difficult balance to strike.

  2. How is your Taveuni property going these days? I heard that they are going to put up more villas in Taveuni and also at Wakaya - I don't think they will be for a beach shack kind of clientelle.
    A good website for questions and answers about travelling around the South Pacific is the Lonely Planet's thorntree.
    (Don't know how to do links in 'comments'!
    PS Peceli is in Labasa at present seeing family and doing Rotary sort of things.

  3. A lot of effective data for myself!
