Thursday, June 21, 2007

FICAC raids Old People's Home in Labasa

from w
What a strange story the Fiji Sun ran today. The FICAC lads from Suva have been in Labasa lately and have discovered (or perhaps not) that lots of goodies left behind by the Survivor Fiji team have been moved hither and thither around the place.
Okay, it's not funny. This is part of the story:

Homes raided for donations
Anti-rot unit retrieves gifts for the elderly
Household furniture, including 39 beds and 17 fridges donated to an old people's home, was seized from the houses of its superintendent and staff yesterday. The items, which were donated by a group filming in Taganikula in Labasa, included 39 single beds, 39 mattresses and 17 small fridges. "The items were meant for the elderly in the Old People's Home and were seized from the home of the superintendent, hospital maids and other staff of the home," said Anti-Corruption Unit North lead investig.....

From what I heard lots of the left-over items were actually sold to the people of Vunivutu because some Fijians in Melbourne got phone calls asking for money to help their relativesin Vunivutu purchase them. Anyway I wonder if the Survivor participants (actors) actually slept in those nice beds rather than on coconut leaves near a cave! Hmmm. Or they just for the crew of the film unit? What is real and what is not real?


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