Sunday, June 10, 2007

Andrew Hughes honoured

from w
At least someone appreciates the work of Andrew Hughes who last year was Fiji's Police Commissioner. He was awarded an Australian Police Medal at today's Queen's Birthday honours list.

from Fiji live today:
Hughes CP role in Fiji recognised
Monday June 11, 2007

Australia has recognised Andrew Hughes for his service to the Australian Federal Police in particular his role as Commissioner of Police (CP) to Fiji. The Daily Telegraph reports Hughes is one of three Australian police officers recognised in the latest Queen's Birthday honours list.

Assistant Commissioner Hughes has been awarded the Australian Police Medal for distinguished service. "The Australian Police Medal recognises the important contributions to policing made by these three talented and dedicated individuals," AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty said. "They are worthy recipients of the Australian Police Medal, which is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed on members of the Australian policing community."

Assistant Commissioner Hughes has served in the police force for 30 years.

He was today recognised particularly for distinguished service as the AFP Commissioner of Police to the Fijian government from 2003 to 2006.

Hughes fled the country with his family after the December 2006 coup by Fiji’s military saying he feared for their safety.


  1. I used to visit the Fiji Police website and was impressed with Hughes. But I never liked the way Australia tries to dominate its island neighbors - it reminds me of the US meddling in Latin American countries- and didn't think it proper to have him as chief. If expertise from outside is needed, it should imho be in the form of an assistant or an advisor. I also have never liked the "modernizing" trends of civilian police forces with things like SWAT teams.

  2. Sorry, police "chief" is an American term. I meant to say "commissioner".

  3. I think they call the position the Commish in England.
    Anyway, I was impressed with Hughes and when someone says he ran when it got too hot, I only say, his family were threatened and at risk, and that comes first. You do have a point about big brother neighbours taking over but if the intentions were to help, rather than overwhelm with advice, then that seems okay to me. Australia has for many years assisted Fiji in training programs for both the military and police anyway. We've met several of the men and women when over here training - and some were guests at the Fjiian churches in Melbourne - even, dare of I say, some of those in the front pages of the Fiji news.

  4. August 10th,
    And now he is going to work with United Nations in a very high position. Congratulations. Well deserved. A fine and courageous policeman.

  5. Anonymous7:22 PM

    You don't try to change the culture and the approach to the indigenous community by raiding the highest chief's house - The Vice President's. This was uncalled for and the approach of retaliating with the Army got commish in the hot soup and had to fee the country.

  6. I thought Andrew Hughes the best thing since sliced bread when he worked in Fiji. It was tragic that the turn of circumstances meant that he had to leave.
    The problem now is how to turn around the situation of disrespect that was shown towards wise people such as Ratu Joni.
