Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Having a field day with spin

from w
Tomorrow is Media Freedom Day I believe and I wonder what this means to people in Fiji. The Fiji Times wrote about it and listed speakers. There is a debate and the Deputy Commander of the Fiji army will take the side of the Interim Government and Steven Ratuva will reprsent the University of the South Pacific.

Michael Field, from his distance in New Zealand has his take on the Fiji situation and has some not-very-nice things to say about soldiering on. However, isn't there a right for people to form opinions and speak out? Analysts from away, and commentators from within Fiji also.

I've just been reading a Rotuman writer's article about the 2000 coup and he tackles it by using poetry, plays and fiction. The writer is Vilsoni Hereniko and his article is entitled 'Interdisciplinery approaches in Pacific Studies; Understanding the Fiji Coup of 19 May 2000." He attempts to give voice to the under-represented rather than the know-alls and chiefs. It is open and questioning, not closed and final. Perhaps that's what we need at present, not have the final answers but raise questions that might lead to an orderly return to what is best for the people of Fiji.

Michael Field's article is in his own website.

What do you think?

Also, Australia's SBS radio Fijian program is on the web with highlights from the Saturday broadcasts. The program live is from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays, but on-line, well, it's any time you choose.

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