Saturday, May 05, 2007

Congratulations Lucy, a babasiga girl, on your graduation

Our best wishes go to Lucy Caniogo who has achieved a Bachelor of Applied Science specialising in Food Technology at Ballarat University. Lucy is a girl from babasiga land with family from Namuka, Kia and Udu in Macuata. Last night in Geelong we had a party for Lucy, friends and family by going to Smorgies Restaurant, then kava drinking back at our home. Way to go Lucy!


  1. That's wonderful. Congrats to Lucy!

  2. Hi Wendy,

    Long time no talk. I am glad to see you are all well. I wanted to let you know that I made my blog private and have been looking for a way to send you an invitation to read it, but couldn't find an email address on your site. I haven't had time to post much lately, but if you still want to drop by, please let me know where to send the invitation to.And of course, congrats to Lucy! Wait... did you say kava drinking? ;)

  3. Hello Panda. I'll try and get a pic of Lucy in her grad. gown.
    Loloma, yes it's a long time. Pity we can't read your blog. Hey, I don't give out email addresses because of the crawlie people sending out junk mail after picking up addresses on the web. Though we are not hard to find if you google fiji geelong, etc. I'm sure the inquisitive inquisition guys in Fiji know our blog by now, though we don't get too verbally abusive about politics these days. Are you going to Fiji later on?

  4. That's fine, I understand. I was actually disappointed myself by the way this invitation system works.
    I can only hope your blog is not on a black list or something of the sort. ;) I might actually be going to Fiji in a few months' time, but that's not exactly decided at this stage.

  5. I'm a friend of Lucy's from Australia. I've lost touch with her recently and I'm worried about her. If you know her current contact details can you please send them to me?, my name is Sarah.


  6. Sarah, I'll try to contact Lucy and give her your email address. She may be holidaying in Fiji at present. She is hoing well. Came down here to visit us ten days ago.

  7. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Congrats Cousin! Ia ia eda tou man...
