Sunday, April 01, 2007

Davuilevu has a website but what is it?

pictures above are of the Theological Students Chapel and Baker Hall Church at Davuilevu.
from w
Church website boosts training
Saturday, March 31, 2007 (from Fiji Times)

THE Methodist Church Theological College at Davuilevu is set to boost its training of ministers with the opening of the library extension and launch of the college website yesterday. College Principal, the Reverend Epineri Vakadewavosa said the occasion marked a new chapter in the history of the college. "The new extension will provide more space to the existing library, a computer lab for students, as well as two dedicated classrooms for the bachelor of Divinity students. The idea behind the extension was a natural progression of our academic journey," Mr Vakadewavosa said.

Visiting other colleges we saw the need to lift our standards of facilities and with the Bachelor of Divinity program applying for accreditation from the South Pacific Association of Schools, the time was ripe for us to enhance our provision of and access to quality research," he said. "There was an unmistakable need for more and relevant books in our libraries and access to the internet for the students," he He said the project was part of a concerted effort to raise the level of theological education offered at the school.

"As more of the laity becoming well educated and with the impact of the media, our ministers are being left behind. "The clergy needs to have a level of theological education to be able to read the signs of times and be aware of the reality of the issues that are affecting those under their care," he said. "While this is a humble beginning for us, we look to the future when we will be able to purchase more computers to accommodate the growing needs of students." He said the project was the result of the hard work of both the faculty and the students.
And may I add, the generous donations of many people overseas including a project of Dr Meo in Melbourne, and also Tepola Raicebe's church group in Melbourne.
I do hope the students are already accessing some of the church stuff on the web - which of course goes from the excellent to the ridiculous! Some gems are there to assist leaders and seekers. One blog I found to be super is by a Uniting church woman in Gippsland. It's simply called seedstuff. and I have posted two pics from her website.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    What is that school song sung by the students of Lelean Memorial School? A very beautiful and melodious song.

  2. Sorry, don't know that one these days.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Is it Ko Davuilevu na koro dredre?

  4. Anonymous: Were you a student there?
    Oh yeah, that's a song Peceli sings occasionally and he was talking about it the other day with a woman whose Dad studied there. Meaning - it's a difficult place - and I think the students didn't have a lot of meat in their diet those days and each morning they had to get up early and clean the cassava gardens with their cane knives! And fetch kai from the river.

  5. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Dear Wendy and Peceli,

    That top photo is not of Davuilevu but actually of Pacific Theological College at Nasese, Suva.

    Andrew Thornley

  6. Thanks for pointing that out Andrew. One person makes a mistake and it's passed on without realising it.
