Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tagimaucia painting

from peceli,
Last week I made an acrylic painting on canvas of tagimaucia flowers. It is too large to show you all of it but here is one part. When I get a friend to make some digital photos of paintings I can post them better. The tagimaucia is a creeper that grows near a lake on Taveuni Island. There is a legend about it.


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    w, have you seen it in "person"? does it have a fragrance? how long does it last when you pick it?

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I'm looking forward to seeing your painting, Wendy. The detail is lovely.

    Can you post the legend for us?

  3. from w.
    The painting is by Peceli, not me this time. The legend is discussed in a Taveuni blogspot, June 30 2006. and also Fijimagic has a version of the story.
    Peceli has seen the flower but can't remember the details. He can ask a Taveuni friend about the tagimaucia flower.

  4. I love it Peceli. I hope you'll be able to share the whole painting.

    Thanks for the link W (blush).

    That flower is so rare and beautiful it has captured my imagination and heart even though I have never seen it directly with my own eyes.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Pandamonium - It's the most breathtaking sight you could ever see. Unfortunately though it doesn't have a scent. It's physical beauty makes up for that deficiency.
