Thursday, March 01, 2007

Large eels at Monasavu

from Peceli
I read this in the FijiTV Fijian language news but didn't see it in the English news. The pics are from a post in Fijivoices. The whole village could be fed with this catch at Monasavu Dam where the hydro is in Viti Levu. Duna means 'eel'.

Kune na Duna vakaitamera mai Monasavu.

23 Feb 2007 09:09:38
Sa qai dua tobo Duna Bula...........Sega ni dau raici vaka-wasoma na tamani Duna vaka-vaka-i-tamera era sa tobo tiko mai na tobu ni wai ni livaliva mai Monasavu.

Na duna lelevu oqo e rauta ni dua veimama na mita na kedra babalavu, ka taura e lewe rua se tolu me ra colata, ena na kena bibi. Tukuni ni sa oti oqo e vica na yabaki na nodra bula voli ena tobu mai Monasavu ka se qai laurai wale sara ga qo.

Ia, oqo sa na dua na soqo bula ni kana duna.


  1. Didn't I tell you that there are eels whose thickness are as big as a Fijian thigh (read big!) at Vaturu Dam? Just seeing them and thinking of dining of them just freaks one out!

  2. Gilbert,
    That's funny. Mikaeli from Sabeto came down here from Melbourne and the gang are drinking kava and talking about eels and Peceli asked me to print out this post, then I saw your response. Mikaeli was telling us a story about an Eco-challenge in the middle of Viti Levu (the hardest the guys had ever done) when one of the foreign boys fell into a stream and got bitten by an eel. They contacted base to get a helicopter to rescue him to take to hospital and it took a while because it was thick forest. I guess the eel thought a vavalagi leg was good for food!
    Vaturu is up from Sabeto, that right?

  3. Holy moly - those are monsters!

    I'd rather face 10 dadakalaci any day than one of those!

  4. Whoa! That's the biggest eel I've ever seen. Eels are a popular food in Japan where they are raised in cages in rivers and lakes. Very tasty too - but tiny compared to that!

  5. PB: One of J's favourite sushi pieces is unagi - it has to have the right smell for me to eat it!

  6. Vinaka, Wendy. I tell you I have seen the ones at Vaturu with my own eyes. LOL! Pandamonium, perhaps we should start an eel exporting business to Japan?

  7. Somehow scrolling through the blog just gives me goose bumps everytime I see that picture of those eels! Eeewwww!!!!!

  8. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Vinaka boys thats the biggest one that has ever been caught by man in the whole world. Duna levu ga na duna ni Viti baleta li ni kana livaliva tiko.

  9. Thanks for your article, pretty useful piece of writing.

  10. Hi Wendy and Peceli,
    Came across your post about the giant eels of Fiji. I work at Icon Films in Bristol, England and we produce a show called "River Monsters." We are thinking of coming to Fiji to try to catch some giant eels. Could you tell me more about the attack involving the "foreign boy" falling into the stream during the Eco-challenge? Any other stories of attacks on people or pets?

    Would you mind contacting me at

    Thank you!
