Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fiji is looking for a saint

from w
An article in a Fiji newspaper spells out the saintly qualities of the Vice President position. I don't think even the likes of Mahatma Gandhi ji, Mandela, a Cardinal, or St Peter the Apostle would even be able to do all of these things!
Who is writing these press releases?

Vice-President must follow mandate: Army
Sunday March 25, 2007

The Fiji military has indicated that the Vice-President must follow guidelines set by President Ratu Josefa Iloilo.

"The President has already set a mandate and that mandate guides the interim government and the RFMF (Republic of Fiji Military Forces)," said deputy military commander Captain Esala Teleni..

"Whoever goes in as a VP makes sure that the President's mandate is the guideline. The military is not setting any guidelines.

"The police, military and the whole people of Fiji should be supporting that mandate."
Certain names have been touted to replace former High Court judge Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi who resigned as the Vice-President after the December 5 coup last year. Amongst them an army officer and a former army commander, sympathizers of the army's clean-up campaign.

However, Teleni said that it is President Ratu Josefa Iloilo and the Great Council of Chiefs who will ultimately decide on April 11.

"The military has no say in the nomination and selection of the Vice-President. We will support any VP."

Speaking at a press conference soon after his swearing in as Interim Prime Minister by Ratu Iloilo on January 5, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama said the mandate is to:

"- continue to uphold the Constitution;

- where necessary facilitate legal protection and immunity, criminal and civil, to the commander, officers and soldiers;

- Give effect to the actions of the RFMF, including the respective suspensions, dismissals and temporary removal from office of civil servants, CEOs, those appointed by the judicial services and constitutional services commissions, the judiciary and government appointed board members;

- Steady our economy through sustained economic growth and correct the economic mismanagement of the past six years;

- Lift the living standards of the growing poor and underprivileged of our country;

- Restructure the Native Land Trust Board to ensure more benefits flow to the ordinary indigenous Fijians;

- Eradicate systematic corruption by including the setting up of an anti-corruption unit through the Attorney-General's Office and set new corruption standards of governmental and institutional transparency;

- Improve relations with neighbours and the international community;

- Take the country to democratic elections after an advanced electoral office and systems are in place and the political and economic conditions are conducive to the holding of such elections;

- Immediately as practicable introduce a Code of Conduct and Freedom of Information provisions and;

- Give paramountcy to national security and territorial integrity of Fiji."



  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Perhaps they can raise Mahatma Gandhi from the dead to take up that position! If not, then try Sairusi Nabogibogi.

  2. I guess we shouldn't be flippant about a serious subject but that speech...well. I think the VP is really a President-in-waiting so has to have qualities that gain respect. Perhaps with the status of a chief who has done well for his/her people. Perhaps a person who is an Elder who has achieved well in a field such as law, education, sport, religion.
    In the Fiji model, a President doesn't have powers except when things go awry. He/she is a person who is seen internationally as a fine person who loves the people. Hard to find perhaps, though I know there are many excellent Elders in Fiji but they are too humble to come forward for this task. And...I don't know what the legalistic rules are.

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Oh, yeah. It'll just be one of those military guys given a nice "thank you handshake" with that position.

  4. It's all so unfortunate because the nepotism, favours, and abuse of money and things that don't belong to you, will just have different faces and places. I am becoming cynical with age it seems, no longer starry-eyed about the generous, loving nature of Islanders!
    The best we can all do it seems is just to live our lives well rather than tell other people what to do.

  5. Anonymous10:55 PM

    I think that's best ... living our lives as best as we can ...... and prepare to meet our Creator ... no disappointments there!
