Saturday, March 03, 2007

Does this mean I can use internet easily from Labasa now?

from w.
I read this in the Fiji Post today and it looks good for the people of Vanua Levu who crave the use of the internet every day! Does this mean I can lie on the beach at Nukutatava or sit under a mango tree at Vatuadova and be connected? Aha, though, what is the cost? If so, then schools can connect also and not require all of those encyclopaedias! We have scores of computers ready to send to Labasa on a container with books etc. but first of all we need to know if the schools have electricity for a start. That's the first step.
North resort owners linked to the world
4-Mar-2007 11:27 AM

HOTEL owners in the North now have a better link to the outside world thanks to a new Vodafone Fiji base station on Maravu Island Resort on Taveuni. Managing Director of Lomalagi Resort in Savusavu Terry Durbin said now they were getting a good mobile phone signal all over their property and looked forward to getting more services like Broadband Internet. A large area between Savusavu and Udu Point, the northern most tip of Vanua Levu, now has access to Vodafone Fiji’s network.

Durbin said the new network would improve his business.“It’s just like we finally came into the 21st century,” Durbin said.

Vodafone Fiji Chief Executive Aslam Khan said the new site would help resort owners in Savusavu and Taveuni areas communicate with their customers and potential tourists anywhere in the world.

“The feedback from resort owners and businesses in the area has been extremely positive because access to mobile communications and data will save them time and money.”

The important Savusavu Airport now has data coverage, which is very good news for tourism in the area. The network will allow tourists and others to access the Internet and other services through Vodafone’s Mobile Connect Card.

“With the Internet a must for anyone in the tourism business today, mobile Internet coverage using GPRS Mobile Connect Cards is an additional bonus and the resorts will have the advantage of connecting and marketing their products and services to the world at little additional cost,” Khan said.

He said Vodafone Fiji has 111 base stations, providing mobile coverage for over 65 per cent of the Fiji population.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Maybe you can get a comment from Chris Hammond at Digital Fiji blog on this. Opening up communications throughout the islands should be a priority.
