Thursday, February 15, 2007

Romanu Fiji's excellent top cop

From Peceli
It is a very good thing that Romano Tikotikoca came back to Fiji in this time of great need in the Fiji Police Force. I know Romanu personally and regard him as a very good friend and a reliable and intelligent leader. He has brought officers for study and later officers’ wives to our communities here in Melbourne and Geelong. So in today’s paper I was interested to read this article from Verenaise Raicola. I have selected some points raised in the article today.

Members of the disbanded Police Tactical Response Division who will now make up a new unit. Military-appointed Acting Police Commissioner Romanu Tikotikoca says the Police Tactical Response Division will be resurrected. The unit's role will be to support police divisions and formations requiring additional manpower for major events.
Mr Tikotikoca said as police officers, Australians and New Zealanders still worked with the Fiji police and other Pacific Island states in the Solomon Islands under RAMSI, the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands.
On morale in the police force since the December 5 military overthrow of the Qarase Government, Mr Tikotikoca said, "The force no doubt was affected as a result of what eventuated. "That is a natural phenomenon it affects people psychologically and it has affected the organisation. "It is not only me, it is all of us who will build this organisation together, and for us to move forward, we need the assistance of members of the community as well. That is one of the responsibilities I am dwelling upon in trying to boost the morale of our people. They are responding well to that,"said Mr Tikotikoca who started in his new job last Friday.
He said the work of the Anti-Corruption Unit fell directly under Interim Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama and not the police, so he could not comment on the framework of the organisation. "The manpower is form here but operationally these people work under the commander,"he said.
Mr Tikotikoca said in view of the situation in Fiji today, people could rest assured of continued police service in accordance with the laws of Fiji, the Police Act and regulations and the force's standing orders. He thanked the people of Fiji for their continued adherence to the rule of law and their assistance to police. Mr Tikotikoca said police would continue to be a community-based organisation in order to serve and protect the people of Fiji and her visitors, through the enhancement of community partnerships.
"As such, it will foster community-policing programs and shall remain professional, transparent and accountable to society in its law enforcement role.Efforts to enhance police services to members of the public will continue to be our priority.’ Mr Tikotikoca said institutional strengthening, however, would be determined within the framework of the 2007 budget allocations to be announced next month.
Mr Tikotikoca said in relation to their cooperation with the military, police would ensure that full support was rendered to the army in terms of their assistance in the execution of police functions laid out in section 5 of the Police Act and for the purposes of public order and safety.
"I wish to thank the military for their assistance in reducing the number of crimes committed during the last two months. Police, however, will continue to take the lead role in law enforcement and investigations."
Mr Tikotikoca said in the recent past, sophisticated crimes had reached our shores in the form of international drug trafficking, people smuggling, international fraud, money laundering and other types of organised crimes.
"We shall continue to develop preventative strategies, including the strengthening of the police intelligence machinery and the Criminal Investigations Department to deal with these types of crimes,"he said. He looks forward to the continued close cooperation with law enforcement agencies from abroad, particularly those within the region. Mr Tikotikoca said police would continue to enforce the'no drop policy'whereby all complaints would be recorded on receipt at police stations or police posts.
"However, in relation to complaints of civil nature, complainants will be advised to take their own lawful actions,"he said. "I assure members of the public of our commitment to the maintenance of law and order and the provision of assistance to you. Again, I thank the people of Fiji for maintaining peace and stability in your communities.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    One's beliefs are tied when they become associated with the Interim Regime in Fiji. Refer to Romanu's decision not to pursue the Police investigations against Bainimarama.

  2. There is certainly a dilemma for some people who want to do their bit to help Fiji in this tight situation because there will ultimately be compromises. One of the newspapers had a bright smiling VB in the news and perhaps that says something. Relief?
    To refuse to help sort out a mess might be the wrong choice, but to accept, then there are compromises. It is very awkward.

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